Sunday, August 3, 2014

Kitchen organizing using Longaberger baskets

I was showing off my kitchen tile clean up, click here if you would like to see it some of it, and someone asked me what kind of baskets I had and what was in them.  Here is a run down of what I have.

This basket holds my napkins and has cute handles so it can be transported easily from the table to the kitchen counter or wherever I might need napkins.
This little tea basket holds my teas and Kool Aid packets.  This makes is so easy to flip through them and pick what I want.
 This is a recipe box and has a little ledge so it can hold the current recipe.  The lid is made of wood and cleans up easily.
Every kitchen needs a box of tissues so why not store them in a basket?  The lid is solid wood. 
This basket holds my utensils and has a plastic liner inside.
This little basket keeps all my envelopes like gravy mixes and other sauces.

Those of you who live in Ohio are probably familiar with Longaberger baskets.  If you would like to learn more about this company, click here.

This is how I have the baskets in my kitchen:

Things are easy to see and it is easy to clean the counter.

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