Saturday, December 27, 2014

Crochet Hook Organization

I have stored my crochet hooks in a pencil box for years.  It's looking a little worn at the edges, but still serves its purpose.

I shopped around and found this little bag which is made to stand up on its own plus it can be placed in a three ring binder.  It has a mesh bottom half so you can see what is inside.
 Inside is a little pocket which is secured by Velcro.  I think I will put some split rings in it.
Here's a link to this item if you are interested in buying it:

Monday, December 22, 2014

Organizing my thoughts, ideas, plans using Evernote and Google Keep

I like using the written or spoken work to help me keep track of things in life. As many people do, I have many facets to my life and I need help keeping things sorted. I am actively using two online tools. One is Evernote and one is Google Keep.

 I have an Evernote notebook shared with my mom and another notebook shared with my sister. My mother's husband did view the notebook and even contributed to it. My sister had to be prompted several times to view it and she never figured out how to contribute to it. I recently acquired an add on which allows me to add web clippings to my notebooks. You can even select how you want the web clipping saved. I absolutely love this feature.

 As for Google Keep, it is very simple and basic. I like how I can color code categories of notes so I know which are related to work, the cabin, my blog, and whatever else. The system automatically groups your color coded notes. Google Keep accepts voice memos and will even convert your voice memo to text and save the original recording. This feature comes in handy when trying to add a note on my phone. It is so much easier just to say what I want rather than trying to type it on the phone.

Give these products a try and let me know which one you like best or if you have another product you prefer.